The big hit today was Frank's take on the Abraham and Isaac story in Genesis. I'm hesitant to try to interpret what he said. Frank maybe if you have time you could help us out here. Inquiring minds want to know. I think you were saying that God really didn't tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Is that right?
I would have taken better notes (I didn't take any) if I knew I was going to be doing this blog but I just thought of it at the end of the meeting today. I don't remember the scriptures Brian used but the last one I have on my Blackberry is Exodus 33 around verse 17 and 18 or so about Moses asking God to show him His glory. Brian do you still have the other scriptures?
I always found this story disturbing. So many people today have God supposedly telling them to do horrendous things like killing their children. How do you know God is telling you to do something? Especially something against common sense against propriety. Like the prophets. Ezekiel going around naked or cooking with dried dung. People get locked up for that stuff today.
.... Gary H.
Hey, this is fun. Here are the scriptures from Saturday: Psalm 37:3-7; Psalm 23:1; Exodus 33:3-18 (especially verses 15 and 17-18... what a guy!); then of course there was the whole Abraham taking Isaac up the mountain story (Genesis 22). This all started with a story about a friend not clicking "buy now" on the inter-net and finding that he was happier with God and without what he thought he needed to buy. God bless you guys.... but I wanta be cool like Gary and have my picture show up too! Brian
I believe Frank's point was that God was not testing Abraham but was trying to teach Abraham something about who He is. He is not like the gods of Ur who required human sacrifice. The contrast between Yahweh and the pagan gods is valid this does not negate the element of the test of faith which is verified in Hebrews 11 verse 17. Why God would test Abraham in this way we can only speculate. I think it must have been for his benefit and for ours.
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