Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Bullhorn" Jan. 27

Brian is back from his 30th anniversary celebration in Hawaii. All limbs appear to be functional after several days of surfing and he says he's back to his target weight. We're glad to have you back in any shape Brian!

Today's Rob Bell video was entitled "Bullhorn". It depicted a modern day street corner "Evangelist" delivering threats of hell and damnation to indifferent pedestrians. Bell's point was that this type of evangelism is not only ineffective but is not really the Gospel. That Jesus came not to judge but to forgive sins and show us the way to the Father.
Our ensuing discussion was somewhat animated with points pro and con "Bullhorn", the antagonist. Some agreed that Christians are painted with the broad brush of negativity because of the efforts of people like this while others pointed out that they themselves eventually came to faith in Christ at least partly because of the ministry of Bullhorns. What do you think?

This is the last week of Rob Bell "nooma" videos ( Next week we begin the John Ortberg series, "The Life You've Always Wanted" which presents the spiritual disciplines.

See you there at 7AM! (Donuts, coffee and juice will be served)

As always, bccmen invites and welcomes your comments either directly to the blog or email to

1 comment:

MTB Man said...

I am somewhat sympathetic to the point of the video. I think altogether too much judgement, condemnation and pharisaism are presented as Christianity today and too little grace and love. However, I do think that conviction of sin is necessary before you can accept forgiveness for sin! Also, I am reminded of Jonathan Edwards great sermon "sinners in the hands of an angry God. That probably wouldn't go over too well today in church let alone the marketplace! Also, the famous evangelist Mordecai Ham would preach for weeks in one place without giving an invitation. In one case, the tension was so great the locals rented their own hall so people could come and hear an invitation and receive Christ.