Saturday, December 16, 2006

Why a blog?

Why a blog? Well, my idea is for this to be a place where we can continue discussions and whatever other purpose it may serve that I can't see right now for the Sat. AM BCC Men's Group. Involvement is totally optional including my own. That is, I might get bored and/or lazy and give it up. Or maybe some hardy soul will pick up the torch at some point. Whatever. Or nobody may give a rip about it and it may die a natural death. That's OK too. My intent is just to wing it and see what develops, if anything.

It might be a good place for guys to check out what the group is like before attending for example.

Men that wanted to could be granted rights to create posts like this one. The post would be a new topic or item and you can then leave comments pertaining to the item where indicated.

I'm going to send out invites based on the email list I got from John K. today. Maybe at some point we could put the url (that's the website address for you non-techies) up on the projection screen at church.

Let me know what you think.

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